Monday, August 5, 2013


There really is nothing that would capture our lives as well as some quotes and corresponding pictures.  There have been some fabulous words uttered in the last few years, most from Thomas.  But on the one week anniversary of Ryan's birth, we will share Thomas' limelight.

"Oh my goodness, you just gave birth to a three month old!" -one of the labor and delivery nurses upon seeing Ryan emerge.

 Mike concurred when he saw "Tiny Tiny was sporting the Buddha look.
"Hi, tiny, tiny baby." -Big Brother Thomas upon meting and holding His Baby.

"Your father is almost done painting the back of the house." -Nana Wuff to Mama (after a mere two days here).

"I needa show him my chainsaw!" -Thomas upon Ryan's homecoming.

"Want to go pee off the back deck?" -Mama and Dad to Thomas in an effort to get potty training going...and he's slowly but surely making progress!  Thomas had four pees outside, two pees in his potty (a new milestone) and one accident in the dining room.  Yeah, Thomas!

"He looks just like Thomas did when he was born." -Numerous visitors and pediatrician's office staff.  Can you tell which is which?

*Thomas is first one, Ryan is in the striped shirt.  Uncanny though, huh?

"Enjoy this blessing." - One of Mama's tennis friends.  Oh, we all intend to, through the crying, the playing, the feedings, the sleeping, and everything in between.
Unhappy about being stripped of nice warm clothes
Teaching Ryan how to count to five
The boys during a group feeding
Restful nap in the swing
Get ready world, here I am!

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