Wednesday, August 14, 2013


A little set back in Mama's post-birthing a hefty baby boy healing has landed Nana here at our house for the third week in a row.  Mama is pretty much side-lined with orders to take it very easy and lift nothing heavier than Ryan, so Nan gets Thomas Duty.  Both Thomas Duty and Ryan Duty have their merits. 

Ryan still sleeps an awful lot.  This has proved to be quite a blessing.

Most sleep occurs in the swing or The Throne (chair)
He does has wakeful periods which are interesting.  Ryan appears to have inherited his dad's go-with-the-flow style.  He sleeps or hardly bats an eyelash when Thomas gets ramped up and yells in excitement or stomps near him or squeals in delight at his tiny, tiny brother.

Nan has graciously taken fixing Thomas' favorite things, soccer playing, tooth brushing, painting, hauling Thomas to and from school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and fixing his favorite things in stride. 

Brushing the top, the bottom, and spitting

 She also takes her turn with Ryan Duty.  Nana is a saint.

The day and a good, good dinner is almost always capped off with Dad and ice cream...and silly faces.

As painful as it is not to be able to play with the extraordinary big brother and engaging almost three year old, my partners in crime, Nan and Dad, certainly make it much easier.

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