Wednesday, January 21, 2015

"Big D, little a, double l, a, s...and that spells Dallas."

In case you haven't heard, we are Dallas bound.  "Dallas" being the catch-all phrase for the greater Dallas, TX area or metroplex.  Mike has taken a position at his company's headquarters in Plano, just north of Dallas.  This is big and exciting news for us.  Although a little daunting to this Yankee who has never lived farther south than New York, we are thrilled at the amazing possibilities that the move will afford us. 

We tell people we're moving to Dallas.  Technically, we're not.  The Dallas-Fort Worth area, or metroplex is casually all referred to as Dallas.  Mike's office will be north of Dallas in Plano.  Our current home search will land us the next town or two north of that (Frisco and Prosper).
The guide insists that this is not the hinterland.  Yes, they actually used that word.  And they also assure us it's not in the middle of the desert either.  Whew!

It's not just about football.  While it seems that football is much, much bigger there, there's also golf and soccer.  FC Dallas plays in a stadium in Frisco.  Good for our man Thomas, who is looking to build on the soccer skills Cornwall United Four Year Old Soccer gave him.  And good for our man Ryan who does whatever Thomas does.  But whether they choose soccer, or football, or tennis, or golf, or something else, we'll be excited to get lots of practice outside with warmer weather.

Very few people live on something similar to Southfork Ranch.  The neighborhoods we're looking at are extremely typical and are very different from our 2 acre greenery.  Larger lots there are .3 acres.  After four and a half years of maintenance of a huge yard, we're ready for smaller.  It also means that there are playmates very close by for Thomas and Ryan!  There are over 50,000 students enrolled in the two districts we're considering.  Students!  Not total population!  So regardless of which town and which neighborhood we settle into, there will be lots of playmates for the boys.  While we do have some playdates with friends now, they are each other's best playmate.

Ryan's game of take all the pots and pans out of the cupboard and stack them on the counter
If you want pancakes, you'd better help mix them!

Staying busy at Chili's
Blurry because they don't slow down enough for me to snap it, but you get the idea.

On average, there are 232 sunny days in Dallas.  Plenty of time to enjoy the neighborhood parks and pools as well as the tons of miles of bike and hike paths.   We've spent five great years in NY enjoying the scenery and nature.  Can't wait for the next five!

*All stats are from the amazing Dallas-Fort Worth relocation guide.   All facts and assertions to be confirmed or refuted by K, M, T and R McCollum late winter/early spring 2015 and beyond.

Thursday, January 1, 2015


We used to talk to my grandmother in Florida every Saturday morning at 9:00.  We got occasional letters from my grandfather in Florida.   Thomas and Ryan's grandparents in Florida have many more options.  Most of the time, we send quick emails or text pictures.  Here are some highlights from the two weeks we spent in Florida this Christmas.

Email from: Kristen
To: Thomas via Nana Wuff

Look at this house with a gigantic Santa and Mickey!!!  We cannot live in this house bc someone else already lives there. It looks like that house we saw in Nana's neighborhood, doesn't it?

Email to: Kristen
From: Mom

Ryan went crazy for it!!!
T: "Tell her it's nice but not too nice. But it's OK"

Email to: Kristen
From: Mom
Indeed it does take a Village!  Today a neighbor dropped off Cinderella and another lady stopped us on our bike ride today to give T bubbles. Tonight at Chilis we sat down for dinner and a man approached our table. " are these your grandsons?"  "Yes".  " Can I give them these for their college fund?"  He laid 2- dollar pieces on the table.   It was quite a day!

Email to: Kristen
From: Mom
Subject: The packages arrived safely
We are on our way home. Erica and Drew are there. Thomas was so helpful unpacking the car. He is pumped for his mom and dad to swim with him. Ryan goes from decoration to decoration exploring. Good luck with that!!!  Hope you are having a good day!

Email to: Mom
From: Kristen
Thank you for everything!  So glad they're situated at TV and you can relax with EVD and Co.
Will let you know when I land in Orlando.

Email to: Mom
From: Kristen
Did I already email you?  I am get delirious.

Text to Mike from Kristen: We are heading to carol with the neighborhood.  Are you taking the van service or should your dad and I come pick you up at airport?

See the tree up on the hill?  That's where we caroled!
Caroling complete with karaoke monitor!
The merry carolers

Phone call from Kristen: "Ma?  Can we come stay at your house for Christmas?  Sue has the flu and cannot get out of bed."
Beth: "Of course.  That's fine!"
And so we descended back upon Nana and Papa Wuff and Erica and Drew for four days starting on Christmas Eve.

Email to: Kristen, Beth, Mike
From: Sue
I am so sorry that I came down sick and ruined the Christmas plans.  Thank heaven for Beth and Ralph to the rescue.  Sounds like you had a wonderful day and got to do some of what you had wanted to do.

Love you all,
Mom, Sue, Nana Honey

We are so sorry that you are sick.  Rest up and get better!  We DID do it all on Christmas Day, Nana Honey!
Thomas was very helpful in opening everyone's stockings

A football helmet!!
Boxing gloves for both boys--watch out!

Santa's cutest helpers
Some Charlie Dog walking
A little family tennis matchup post gifts.

Email to Nana Honey
From: Kristen

Thanks from the backseat. (She sent us off with Rice Crispy treats)

Email to Mom and Dad, Sue and Toney
From: Kristen

Made it home early.  Flight was good.  Boys were great.  Thanks for everything.

Frequent fliers