Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Good Times

For the last week and a half, Thomas, Ryan and Mama have been up at Nana and Papa's house in Lake George while Dad gets ready for the Army football home opener on Friday.  We, especially Thomas, are having such a good time that all I have time to do is post some great pics of our time here.  Enjoy!


It's a "T!"

Our fearless jumper jumps off the dock
Fishing with Papa
A huge sunfish!
Shooting baskets with our neighbor, Gracie
Thomas loves clams!

Yeah for grilled cheese!
Cutting up melon with Nan
Giving Mama's car a "clean wash"

Heading out on errands...
With this studly muffin

Look at that crazy hair!
Resting in our swing on the front porch
Loving his Baby Brother

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Best

We completely overuse the description "The Best."  I would estimate that we say, "This is the best _____!" at least fifteen times a day.  It likely stems from my short memory and Mike's favorite morning phrase, "This is the best coffee I've ever had in my life," which Thomas shortens to "This is the best coffee of my life!" which in turn, Mike has applied to numerous other situations.

It is frequently uttered, "This is THE BEST ice cream of my life!"

First official family ice cream social for four on the back deck
But everyone knows that THE real BEST ice cream comes from Stewart's.

The week after we brought Ryan home from the hospital, Dad had to go back to work and Mama was not ready to brave taking care of two boys alone, so Nana came back to stay with us for a week.  She was heard saying that Ryan was THE BEST baby ever (recall how fussy Thomas was and how much he spit up his first few months with us).  Nana's comment was spurred by Ryan's great napping schedule and how little he spit up.

Approaching four weeks old, Ryan is still a pretty good baby, but the newborn honeymoon is over and he now fusses like a "normal" baby and wakes up a few too many times in the night for my taste.   But as Thomas is quick to point out, "Ryan, you can't sleep all day!"
Playing on Nana's bed
Trying out the pacifier
The best thing that we did for all four McCollums was head up to Lake George.  With Army football season two weeks away, Mike suggested that Thomas, Ryan and I headed up to Lake George with my parents until Labor Day since he would be very busy with all that football season preparation entails.  Mike has been amazingly generous with his time in the last month between accompanying me on doctor visits, staying at the hospital with me when I was hospitalized with the Mystery Virus, staying at the hospital for three whole days after Ryan's delivery and spending the rest of that week at home with our boys and me.  Despite not wanting to leave our home and be without Dad, we packed up and headed north. 
Quick change in the driver's seat of my car at a rest stop
Thanks to modern technology, Dad watched Thomas feed Ryan via Skype.

Thomas thinks this trip to Nana and Papa's house was THE BEST idea we've had in awhile for obvious reasons.  Mama thinks it was THE BEST idea because it has substantially increased hers, Thomas' and Ryan's quality of living this week.
Testing out the new floaties

Finding treasures at the beach
Playing baseball with Mama
Helping Papa mow
Chilling on the porch with Nana

Swords with Nana
Between a very slow-to-heal Mama who just wants to play soccer and swim with a precious almost three year old, a Dad who loves his boys unbelievably, but is busy at work right now, and fabulous grandparents who have given up half a summer to care for their daughter and her family, we are working together, making it THE BEST summer that we can.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


A little set back in Mama's post-birthing a hefty baby boy healing has landed Nana here at our house for the third week in a row.  Mama is pretty much side-lined with orders to take it very easy and lift nothing heavier than Ryan, so Nan gets Thomas Duty.  Both Thomas Duty and Ryan Duty have their merits. 

Ryan still sleeps an awful lot.  This has proved to be quite a blessing.

Most sleep occurs in the swing or The Throne (chair)
He does has wakeful periods which are interesting.  Ryan appears to have inherited his dad's go-with-the-flow style.  He sleeps or hardly bats an eyelash when Thomas gets ramped up and yells in excitement or stomps near him or squeals in delight at his tiny, tiny brother.

Nan has graciously taken fixing Thomas' favorite things, soccer playing, tooth brushing, painting, hauling Thomas to and from school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and fixing his favorite things in stride. 

Brushing the top, the bottom, and spitting

 She also takes her turn with Ryan Duty.  Nana is a saint.

The day and a good, good dinner is almost always capped off with Dad and ice cream...and silly faces.

As painful as it is not to be able to play with the extraordinary big brother and engaging almost three year old, my partners in crime, Nan and Dad, certainly make it much easier.