Truth be told, I have been known to have a pity party or two. Like when Ryan is throwing food on the floor and when Thomas is throwing a tantrum because I won't let him watch Frozen for the 20th time. I want to scream, "Calgon, take me away!!" It's usually short-lived, this pity party of mine. But these moments of weakness are just that, moments. I was reminded just how fortunate I am on a trip to the doctor's office on Sunday.
We are in Florida already for Christmas. I have pink eye and needed to go get drops prescribed before I contaminated the boys or Nana and Papa Wuff. Waiting in the reception area of Spring Hill was an enlightening experience. People there are obviously sick; they're at an emergency clinic on a Sunday morning. But in addition to their cold or rash or whatever, they looked beat down.
The 50 minute wait in the waiting area highlighted that our family is extremely fortunate. Right from the start of this trip, we have been so lucky. We are blessed with great friends who are willing to drop us at the airport.
Thankfully, the boys were exceptionally good flying. Thomas pretty much occupies himself and as long as we feed Ryan continuously and let him crawl all over the place, he is a happy 17 month old.
We had the good fortune to see Santa at the Philly airport. Miracle of miracles, Thomas walked right up and said, "Hi, Santa." This is remarkable since this summer he begged and pleaded for me to call Santa and ask him NOT to come. He told me we had enough toys and Santa should just go see someone else and NOT come to our house. This is the first time he has seen Santa and not cried, run the other way, or virtually ripped off my jeans holding onto my leg.
Nan and Papa are extraordinary in their willingness to do anything in the world that Thomas suggests. Every single morning Thomas awakens and rounds up Papa to make fresh OJ with oranges from the tree they planted together the last time we visited them.
Then in some order or another, we ride bikes, play golf, read books, play tennis, practice cutting, do "projects" with Nana, make lists of fun things to do, ride in the golf cart, meet Nan and Pop's friends, and impress just about everyone in the community with how awesome our kids are.
Dressing the girls of Frozen with Nana |
Tennis time! |
"Hey Nana!" |
Thomas made 25 shots in a row over the net!! |
Taking Papa prisoner with masking tape. He was strong and busted out of it. |
Backyard golf |
One of the "projects" with Nan. Rudolph is in the middle of two bears. |
Cutting pipecleaners has become a favorite activity |
So when I teeter on the edge of a pity party or whine about the craziness of our lives, I think it will be best to go back in my mind to the patients that I saw at that clinic.
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