Sunday, June 15, 2014


Hashtags are trendy right now.  In case you don't know what a hashtag is, it's a # with an identifying description that lumps your picture into a group.  For example, #coolestkidever.  Twitter users, Instagrammers, and Facebookers often tag their photos with clever hashtags.  I don't use them.  But I would not want to risk being labeled resistant, reluctant or obstinate, so I will hashtag some of the goings on in our house.  Please feel free to comment with your own hashtag suggestions.

Thomas has always loved to play with balls.  He was kicking a soccer ball the month he learned to walk.  We play tennis, soccer, hockey, and catch (which is quickly turning into dodgeball) every day.  When it's nice, we play golf outside.  It's a fun way to connect with our Little Buddy.

Ryan is not one to be left behind.  He is also kicking a soccer ball around (even though he's not walking unassisted yet) and playing catch with tennis balls and beach balls.

The other major part of our lives seems to be yardwork.  Our yard is a high maintenance yard, but it is verdant this month and a fun place to bond, even if it is over mowing, raking and blowing.
#hardworkwork  #mccollumfamilylandscaping

To celebrate Father's Day, Mike and Thomas palled around all day long.  The morningful of yardwork mean a little relaxing out on the back deck as only Mike does it.
#howdypartner  #Yankeecowboys

The day culminated with another special moment with Dad.  Ryan was all set for a bath (half naked) but Thomas and Dad insisted we make a quick trip down to the trail near our house to see a Frog Fort and a swinging vine. 
#channelingtarzan  #crazybestdad

All of this activity means we fuel up a lot.  Some of us make healthier choices that others.  It's much easier to feed someone nectarines when they don't know there are brownies in the cupboard.  I, however, know about all the secret sweets stashes.
 #timetomopthefloor  #doublefisted

 When I wrote this post, the following were trending (popular, prevalent).

I don't know what most of the things are, who they are, or where they are.  What I know is

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