Thomas has many ways of expressing his happiness. Over the last week, during our trip to Florida, he has been given many opportunities to tell us how excited he is.
After his initial shyness has worn off, Thomas' first level of happiness is a charming smile. It tells me ya done good, thank you, and this is fabulous all in one fell swoop.
A happy traveler on the way to the airport |
A happy splasher and his friend Lisa testing the pool out |
When Thomas whispers, "Oh boy!"we know that something good is coming. When we puled up to a park near Nana and Papa VanDusen's house, Thomas quietly expressed his excitement with an "Oh boy! Going to a park?" He's a big fan of slides, fings (swings), and see saws.
Nana pushes Thomas |
Thomas reciprocating |
"Weeeeeeeeeee!" |
Mama had her own "oh boy" moment while we were in Florida. Thomas slept in Pack-n-Plays while we were there. Our first few days were fairly uneventful with regard to naps and bedtime. Thomas transitioned very well. Then we went to see the VanDusen grandparents. A mere three hours into our stay, Thomas was due for a nap. We went through the same routine and heard Thomas in his room talking to himself. We smiled....until we figured out that he climbed out of the Pack-n-Play! If I could push my incredulity aside, maybe I would have said, "Oh boy." We have been so fortunate that Thomas still likes his crib back at home. Most of our friends who are two have had to transition to a bed because of the climbing out. I was completely caught off guard. It's a good thing Nana scooped him right up and put him back in his "new crib." The aftermath of an escape artist:
Wipes all plucked out of the bag and placed on the bed and floor |
Strangely enough, our return to the McCollums' house also meant a return to normalcy and no more escaping. "Oh boy."
The next level of excitement often includes, "Oh my gooodness!" Numerous occasions warrant this exclamation. A field trip to see the bronze cows at Nana and Papa McCollum's was one such example.
"Hee haw" |
Ride 'em doggy! |
Thomas and the dog racing the cowboy |
When Thomas gets very excited about something, he says, "I be 'cited" in a way that you can't help but smile and tell him you're excited too. There were many opportunities for him to get excited about food. Most notably, the excitement was around the many sweets the Nanas provided.
Ice cream after a foray with Indian food at The Villages |
Making apple pie with Nana (and eating almost as fast as she could peel and slice) |
Thomas was extremely excited about the mini ice cream sandwiches at Nana and Papa's house. Despite my calling them ice cream sandwiches, Thomas called them "ice cream ham san-sanch." He really likes ham sandwiches (san-sanch) and every sandwich thereafter has been a variation of the favorite ham sandwich. We found this especially hysterical.
"Chocolate beard like Papa?" |
Some other things he got 'cited about were:
Being able to hang out outside and not be "freezing cold." This sometimes involved no shoes and oftentimes involved no clothing.
Showing off his mostly companion, Frankie Dog.
Giving Frankie Dog a Valentine's card |
Taking him on countless walks in a stroller |
Hanging out with his mama and dad.
"Come sit here, Mama. Put your feet in a water, Mama" |
"Play golf with your (his) dad." |
Walking with Mama (and Frankie Dog) to go see Papa play tennis |
Their own version of Pickleball |
There was a lot of sharing during the course of our eight days in Florida. Sharing Thomas time between two doting sets of grandparents, sharing treats, sweets and dinners, sharing Thomas Duty when there were mini meltdowns over no more golf cart, coming inside or no more gum drops, and sharing wonderful memories. Hopefully one day many years from now, we will look back at this post and smile, say, "oh my goodness" and recall just how 'citing this time with him was.
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