Dear Reader:
So sorry to have kept you waiting and checking (some of you daily) for another post. It's been a crazy last few weeks.
Since Thanksgiving, a lot has happened. I got a head cold that lingered and lingered. If you have been or are a stay-at-home mom, you know there is no rest for the weary. Thomas got a little taste of a cold, but thankfully nothing too bad. He still had many adventure in this two week span.
Nannie and Papa McCollum came to visit for awhile. Thomas had lots of fun taking little field trips to the grocery store, McDonald's, True Value, as well as playing with them and with the presents they brought.
Attacking the cookies from the hotel first thing in the morning. |
Lunch at McDonald's: 4 chicken nuggets, most of the fries, apples and... |
Dad joins the fun with the new toys. |
Thomas' new Dyson! |
Mom tried to get some rest while Nannie and Papa were here, but the Army-Navy game was too exciting to pass up. Army BARELY missed the win this year. Thomas watched the game on tv with Papa and was saddened by the outcome too.
When Nannie and Papa left to go home to Florida, other reinforcements came for a quick visit while Dad was away in California for business.
They came bearing sweets, which Thomas has quite an affinity toward. Thomas enjoyed their pie and cookies as well as some quality time dancing the Christmas Dance and playing tackle football with Nana VanDusen.
This is what happens when you eat too many Christmas cookies. |
Dancing at a restaurant when we went out for burgers. |
The Christmas Dance (Nana's hat provides the music at the push of a button). |
After a few crazy weeks, Mom is starting to finally kick the cold, Daddy is home and we're starting to get back to a our normal routine now that our VERY helpful grandparents have gone home to their respective houses.
Field trips to see Dexter the dog at True Value, |
Our "Normal" |
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